Meet Kayleigh

How long have you worked in IPS?
18 months.
What drew you to a role in IPS?
I wanted to help people with a mental health diagnosis who were struggling to find, maintain, or retain work. The stigmas surrounding mental health were also something I wanted to be involved in breaking down.
What were you doing before you started your IPS role?
I have a BSc and MSc in Psychology. Throughout university I did a few volunteering roles within the mental health field. Following university, I worked as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) in a local private school, which really helped build my confidence to apply for an IPS role.
Sounds like you have a strong foundation in the educational field! Were there any transferable skills from your previous work and academic background that you applied to your role in IPS?
There were lots! People skills are super important and being a great communicator is essential. You need to be able to build rapport with clients, so this is something I also had previous experience of. My mental health knowledge from university has also been invaluable.
After joining, what was your first week on the job like?
It was very busy. There is a lot to learn to begin with, but everyone was lovely and very helpful. It is also important to shadow some of the clinical team in those first few weeks so I attended referrals meetings, MDTs, allocation meetings, and even shadowed some client meetings.
What’s the best bit about your day?
I enjoy seeing people growing in confidence through the support of IPS. Whether you’ve helped someone find a job or helped them return to work after a period of sickness, people are so thankful.
That does sound lovely. Have there been any standout moments for you while on the job?
My first job outcome was a few months into the job and I was so proud of my client for this. I had engaged with the employer at a job fair and managed to secure my client an interview with them. My client went along, did amazingly, and was offered the position! This was such an amazing accomplishment. It showed me the true effectiveness of employer engagement and really helped me solidify the need for it in my weekly routine.
What sort of skills have you gained by working in IPS?
I think I have grown in confidence throughout this role. Having only left university 1 year before I started this job, I was very much experiencing imposter syndrome, but over the time I have gained so much confidence in my knowledge and what I bring to my role. I have worked with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and feel I have learned a lot about what difficulties people may experience.
Lastly – What piece of advice would you give to someone who is considering applying for a job as an IPS Employment Specialist?
Be confident. Do your research about the principles and know about the specific service. Use the experience you have to your advantage and tailor it to the questions.